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Draft Student Assessment And Evaluation Scheme Upto Class 9th.
Draft Student Assessment And Evaluation Scheme Upto Class 9th.
Draft Student Assessment And Evaluation Scheme Upto Class 9th.
Draft Student Assessment And Evaluation Scheme Upto Class 9th.
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Draft Student Assessment And Evaluation Scheme Upto Class 9th
1. SCERT J&K has designed Student Assessments & Evaluation Schemeā upto Class 9th in accordance with the provisions in National Education Policy- 2020 &Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2019 (Amendment) annexed to this notice.
2. Before the document is processed further, it is herby notified that for information of the general public at large, and stake holders like students, parents, teachers, teacher educators and academicians to share their inputs, views and opinions on contents of above draft document.
3. The inputs may kindly be shared on e-mail ID: following format before 20.08.2022.