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Kashmir university Declared result of Backlog Students Of BA/BSC/BCOM/BA hon 6th semester check Complete Details
Kashmir University Declared Result of Backlog Students of BA/BSC/B COM/BA hon 6th Semister Check complete Details
Under Notification No. 129 BA B.Sc Bcom BA Hon 6th Sem Backlog Examination held in Feb – March, 201
Kashmir university declared result of 6th Semister Backlog Students of BA/BSC/B COM/BA hon
Check Result on Official website
Kashmir University Result 2022:-
No other medium of publication of results is applicable, it will be available online (we will provide a direct link to download the result.). University publishes all the updates related to Kashmir university results on its websites. Students are advised to regularly visit the website as no student is being informed separately by the university.
The University of Kashmir result sheet published online includes the name of the student, roll number, college, courses, year/semester, credit (CBCS), marks obtained, total marks, result, etc. Supplementary/Biannual exams are also conducted after the declaration of the result. Students can also apply for revaluation of answer sheets if they are not satisfied with the evaluation and result. The result of revaluation of the students is final.
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Kashmir University issue the marks statement/ mark sheets to the successful students within 10 days of the day of declaration of the result